Aroma360 Insights

ambiant scenting
Home Scenting with Aroma360
Why Scent?
When it comes to scenting your house you want it to smell just as amazing as it looks especially when you have your family and friends over. The home scent that you use is the one that d...

Ambient scenting
The Majestic Scent of Cedarwood
The Grounding Scent
Have you ever taken a deep breath while walking in a national park and inhaled the warm, woody scent of nature around you? Most parks or forests are surrounded by the beauti...

Aroma 360
5 (Manly) Scents for the Man Cave Perfect for Father's Day
A man cave is all about ambiance: comfy couches, the right TV setup, low lighting and most importantly, a manly scent. No, not like that. We’re talking essential oils. Essential oils like cedarwood...

Scent and Savasana
Set the mood for your yoga practice with scent.
Scents can create an elevated mood and set the tone for devotional practice. Eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils to create a stimulating and i...

Business Scenting
When Life Gives You Lemons...
Yes, we all know what to do with lemons-make lemonade, of course.The fruit does not only make a great summer drink, but it has amazing health and social benefits too! These benefits can be easily h...

Ambient scenting
Pair Your Wine with the Perfect Scent
February 18th is National Drink Wine Day!
The list of health benefits that accompanies wine seems to be ever-growing. Recently we’ve learned that wine can not only help reduce the risk of blocked a...

Aroma 360
Oil Blends Infused With Rose
If you love the scent of the Fairmont Hotels and Le Labo's Rose 31, you will go crazy over Aroma360's fragrance - Desert Rose. This scent combines the romance of dark damask rose with rich layers o...